Global Partners
The University of Copenhagen has established either:
- global institutional student exchange partnerships
- global faculty student exchange partnerships
- Erasmus International Credit Mobility partnerships
with the universities listed below.
The universities are listed by country:
- University of Buenos Aires
- Yerevan State University
- Australian National University
- Deakin University
- Griffith University
- James Cook University of North Queensland
- Macquarie University
- Monash University
- Queensland University of Technology Brisbane
- University of Adelaide
- University of Melbourne
- University of New South Wales
- University of Queensland
- University of Sydney
- University of Tasmania
- University of Technology, Sydney
- University of Western Australia
- University of Western Sydney
- University of Wollongong
- Western Sydney University
- Fundaco Getulio Vargas
- Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz
- Pontificia Católica Universidade do Rio de Janeiro
- Universidade de São Paulo
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- Concordia University
- McGill University
- McMaster University
- York University
- Simon Fraser University
- University of Alberta Edmonton
- University of British Columbia
- University of Calgary
- University of Guelph
- University of Toronto
- University of Victoria
- Western University
- York University
- Universidad de Chile
- Beijing International Studies University
- Fudan University
- Peking University
- Tsinghua University
- University of Nottingham, Ningbo
- Chinese University of Hong Kong
- City University of Hong Kong
- University of Hong Kong
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- National Chengchi University
- National Taiwan University
- Tunghai University
- Universidad de Los Andes Bogota
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- American University in Cairo
- Alexandria University
- Gadjah Mada University
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Chuo University, Tokyo
- Kanazawa University
- Kobe University
- Kumamoto University
- Meiji University
- Nagoya University
- Nanzan University
- Osaka University
- Ritsumeikan University
- Ryukoku University
- Seinan Gakuin University
- Tohoku University
- Tokai University
- University of Tokyo
- Waseda University Tokyo
- University of Jordan
- KIMEP University
- Maqsut Narikbayev University (MNU)
- EWHA Women's University
- Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- Jeju National University
- Kangwon National University
- Keimyung University
- Korea University
- Kyungpook University
- Seoul National University
- Sogang University
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Sungshin Women's University
- Yeungnam University
- Yonsei University
- American University of Beirut
- Universidad de las Américas Puebla
- Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Mexico
- Lincoln University
- University of Auckland
- University of Canterbury
- University of Otago
- Victoria University of Wellington
- University of Nizwa
- Al-Quds University
- National University of Singapore
- Singapore Management University
- Yale-NUS College
- Stellenbosch University
- University of Cape Town
- Sokoine University of Agriculture
- Makerere University
- American University in Dubai
- Arizona State University
- Barnard College, New York
- Boston College
- Boston University
- California Institute of Technology CALTECH
- Cornell University
- Dartmouth College New Hampshire
- Duke University
- Houston Methodist Hospital, Texas Medical Center
- Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Montana State University
- New York University
- North Carolina State University
- Purdue University
- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- The University of North Carolina Greensboro
- Tulane University
- University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, LA, Merced, Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz)
- University of Colorado Boulder
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Kansas
- University of Miami
- University of San Diego
- University of South Florida Tampa
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of the Pacific, California
- University of the Virgin Islands St. Thomas
- University of Washington Seattle
- University of Wisconsin Madison
- Vermont Law and Graduate School
- Washington and Lee University
- Yale University
- Centre for Advanced Technologies (CAT)
- Toshkent Kimyo-Texnologiya Instituti
- Urgench State University
UCPH is also partner with many European and Nordic universities.
The list was last updated on December 2024.