Hard work – great results
In this edition of our international newsletter, we focus on 4EU+ - the European University Alliance of which UCPH is a member. Just a few years ago, the Alliance, as it looks today, did not exist. Today, it keeps us very busy and is part of daily tasks and conversations across our institutions. It’s a bit like having kids – they take up much of your time and suddenly you cannot remember what life was like without them and what you did before having them.
Like other alliances in the European Universities Initiative, 4EU+ works to create a truly integrated university system, aligned with European Council priorities of strengthening the roles and position of European HEIs. As everyone in international education knows, deep collaborative transnational relations are not always straightforward. However, when we succeed in creating tangible results, the hard work makes the success even more rewarding.
Reaping the benefits of our efforts
In 4EU+, looking into our second project period, we are at the stage where we begin to reap the benefits of our efforts in the past couple of years: Student mobility across the Alliance is taking off, more than 60 educational projects have received 4EU+ funding and later this year, the Alliance will launch its first joint courses in lifelong learning in addition to the two free online courses (MOOCs) on Data Literacy and European Citizenship that have already been created and made available.
You can read about student mobility and a fine example of what Prorector Bente Stallknecht refers to as “unlocking of collaborative synergies” in our article “4EU+ status - what we have achieved so far”.
Part of something special
When you spend much time working with your colleagues in the Alliance to achieve these results, you feel you are part of something special. We want the students to feel this as well. Not only through special 4EU+ course offerings and mobility options, but also that they are part of a special 4EU+ community. To support this and raise student awareness of the Alliance, we invited former and future UCPH 4EU+ exchange students and students from the Alliance at UCPH to a Christmas event in December where they could meet and mingle with each other.
Get a sense of the good 4EU+ vibes in our coverage of the event in this issue of our newsletter.
By Anne Bruun
Learn about 4EU+
4EU+ joint educational projects
Learn about the more than 60 joint educational projects that have received funding from 4EU+
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The 4EU+ Alliance initially consisted of four universities: Charles University (Czech Republic), Heidelberg University (Germany), Sorbonne University (France) and the University of Warsaw (Poland). In 2018, the University of Copenhagen and the University of Milan (Italy) were invited to join 4EU+.
Anne Bruun
Anne Bruun is Director International at UCPH

Photo by Kim Vadsk.