11 March 2018

Global trends towards 2023 – new UCPH strategy


36 goals in four areas; this is the University of Copenhagen's new strategy in short. On 11 December 2017, the University Board approved a new six-year strategy with the title “Talent and collaboration”. Developing learning environments through a stronger focus on the ties between research and education is one of the strategy’s core elements.

Focus on collaboration
Since a university strategy cannot cover everything, it should focus on specific areas where the potential for development is greatest. This is the background for the identified 36 goals for the University’s development until 2023. A decade has passed since the University of Copenhagen launched its first overall strategy. The first strategy focused on developing the University’s excellent basic research. In the second strategy, increased teaching intensity and enhancing the physical study environment were important goals. In this third strategy, we will work towards even better cohesion between research and education. By leveraging the University’s academic breadth more effectively through both internal and external collaboration, the goal is to secure an even better quality of education with closer ties to research and practice - for the benefit of society both nationally and globally.

Ticket to the global knowledge market 
One of the University's most important tasks is to bring knowledge and new insight to bear to the advantage of society and of the world, whose complex issues constantly inspire and challenge us.

Attracting budding talents to Denmark is vital for this task: it is the ticket to the global knowledge market. Globally, we are seeing increased mobility, changing demographics and economic growth in regions both within and outside of Europe. Thus, the University must ensure that its graduates acquire international competences and a global outlook, just as students and academic staff should draw inspiration from the surrounding world and be equipped to contribute to a society undergoing rapid change. The University will maintain its focus on recruiting international talent as well as on developing and retaining the brightest talents.

“Over the period of the strategy, the University will maintain its focus on partnership agreements on research and education with the best universities in the world,”  Talent and collaboration - Strategy 2023

Our strength is diversity
The core of the University rests on our values such as democracy, equality and transparency. The University must offer attractive, digital and globally oriented research and study environments, combined with an academic culture and infrastructure that can accommodate international talents and offer the best conditions for developing and pursuing new ideas. The University has a responsibility to ensure the development of free and independent research and a responsibility towards society's need for solutions and development. It is a prerequisite to attract talent.